Laparotomy Surgical Instrument Set directly linked with surgical procedure or operation. In Laparotomy a major incision is done to get in the abdomen and to dia..
McIntosh Laryngoscopes Set, with Standard illuminationSet of 3 blades No. 2,3,4Set of 5 blades No. 00, 0,1,2,3 (pediatric)Set of 4 blades No. 0,1,2,3 (pediatric..
Lateral Vaginal Retractor is a tightened, finger ring OB/GYN instrument that might be utilized as a part of conjunction with a most vaginal speculum to give a m..
Lip Retractor For Upper Jaw, 21cm. The maxillae (plural: maxillae) are the two maxilla bones shaping the upper jaw and sense of taste of the mouth. The two part..